Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Depths of Night Mother by Marsha Norman - 958 Words

â€Å"‘Night Mother†, by Marsha Norman, is a play that dives into the struggles of a mother and daughter. First performed in 1983, the play became a major success both in Broadway, which won the Pulitzer Prize for drama, and was first performed as a play. (Spencer, pg. 1) Jessie is a middle aged woman, who is divorced, moved back in with her mother, and struggles with, what she believes, is a failed life. Thelma, Jessie’s mother, realizes that Jessie wants to commit suicide due to comments that Jessie makes. Thelma tries desperately to convince her daughter out of committing suicide; however, she is unable to convince Jessie. Jessie believes that has not reached the potential that her family wanted her to be; therefore, making her a failure in†¦show more content†¦2) Rich believes that the Norman’s view of suicide is that there is no hope; however, he strongly believes that Norman’s play allowed the American society to grasp the problems th at are within suicide and that she displayed both sides of the story in perfect view points of the characters. Jenny S. Spencer, an author for a journal, believed that Norman used her abilities to effect multiple people in the audience. After watching the production Spencer states that the success of the play, â€Å"...rests on the peculiar power of the play in performance; it works for audiences, when it does work, on a number of levels -- the naturalistic illusion so carefully maintained that the play, like unmediated experience itself, appears open to multiple interpretation.† (Spencer, pg. 1) Unlike the Broadway show, the 1986 Film production was not a success. As I, personally, watched the film I realized that the director had made the film to be more commercialized or made to please the audience. It did not grasp the full depth of emotions that the Thelma and Jessie display in the play; therefore, it is interesting of the differences because it was Marsha Norman who had written the script for the film. The film also had more than the two characters showing up on screen to create the story; however, in the play the relationships with other characters are already established between conversations with Thelma and Jessie.Show MoreRelatedProject Mgmt296381 Words   |  1186 Pagespeople to give them an update on what is happening. They spend 30 minutes reviewing the impact the client’s requests could have on the project schedule. She also shares with them the schedule changes she and Victoria had agreed to. After she says good night to her team, she heads upstairs to her boss’s office and spends 20 minutes updating him on key events of the day. She returns to her office and spends 30 minutes reviewing e-mails and project documents. She logs on to the MS project schedule of herRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesMilwaukee School of Engineering Stephen Humphrey, Florida State University Charlice Hurst, University of Florida Warren Imada, Leeward Community College Gazi Islam, Tulane University Alan Jackson, Peru State College Christine Jackson, Purdue University Marsha Jackson, Bowie State University Kathryn Jacobson, Arizona State University Paul Jacques, Western Carolina University David Jalajas, Long Island University Elizabeth Jamison, Radford University Stephen Jenner, California State University, Dominguez

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