Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Symbolism in Packer's Drinking Coffee Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Symbolism in Packer's Drinking Coffee - Essay Example ous efforts to distance herself from the pain-giving experiences of her life, like her devastating relationship with her Dad, grudging interview sessions with the psychiatrist imposed on her by the college administration, and suspicious interactions with counselors and study-buddies, take her to the portal of happiness? Dina’s cherished dreams do not fructify, she looks out for alternative avenues, to forget the pain. The mention of revolver as the inanimate object she’d most like go transform, on the eve of Yale University freshmen orientation, says a lot about her grudge against her past life and her future plans.(of revenge?) It is easy to say that life is to be lived in its trials, tribulations, duty and beauty. But when it comes to practical applications, the unforgettable incidents of the past continue to torture the inner core of an individual, who has faced the wrath of the society on many counts. Dina is one such individual, who has to cope up with lots of maladjustments. In the story â€Å"Drinking Coffee Elsewhere†, Packer provides enough homework for the reader’s imagination. She concludes the story without providing firm conclusions. The reader has to view the situation from own perspective. But her writing has the cordiality and grace to draw the reader to mainstream of the story. The ‘not so gentle’ gentleman with whom Dina has strained relationship is Dr. Raeburn. But one can not blame the Doctor. He is a psychiatrist and he is expected to do his professional job to treat the fresher. If the revolver is ‘triggered’ by Dina, he will be held responsible by the University authorities. He tries his best to probe the hidden layers within her mind and unearth the real Dina! When she expresses contempt for her father, the ‘shaken’ Doctor reaches out for a cigarette and Dina’s protests instantly. She says, â€Å"You can’t smoke in here.† She gives clever answers to his questions but the professional psychiatrist is able to isolate

Monday, February 10, 2020

The Christian Symbols of Cross and the Body of Christ Essay - 6

The Christian Symbols of Cross and the Body of Christ - Essay Example God’s purpose for creating Adam was His desire to replicate Himself, reproduction of Himself and He implemented this in the Garden of Eden. Adam was God manifested in the flesh in the Garden of Eden. In Copeland’s teaching, it was a way to show that racism was not in Gods mind. Those disagreeing with this use the bible to militate against Copeland’s teaching. Adam was not God manifested in the flesh. Jesus was exceptional in this respect (John 1:14). Beyond that, Adam was undeniably subordinate to God (Copeland, audiotape #01-0304, side 1). Copeland alleged that Jesus became a demonic being on the cross: Copeland insists "Satan dominated Jesus on the Cross and took His spirit to the dark regions of hell Copeland's description of Christ's ordeal in the hell is nothing short of chilling. He (Jesus) allowed Himself to come under Satans control" (Copeland, audiotape #02-0017, side 2). Copeland stated that the physical death on the cross did not pay the price for sin and that anybody could do that. According to him all prophets that walked on earth guided by the Abrahamic covenant would have paid the price if it were for the physical death (Copeland, audiotape #02-0017, side 2). Those in disagreement with Copeland’s allegation say because of Jesus’ atoning sacrifice on the cross, people who have their faith and trust in Him (Jesus) alone for salvation are guaranteed endless life (John 3:16). However, Jesus called His disciples to take up their cross and follow Him "If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow Me."